When You Pray App

iPhone/iPad (soon to be Android) App for people who struggle with devoting time to prayer

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Struggle with prayer? I do. Christ devoted a huge part of His life to prayer, He set aside time to pray. I made this app to help facilitate that. For busy people who spend a lot of time on screens.

Offline, no ads, no in-app purchases

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;
-Colossians 4:2

Jesus Christ is Lord!

"It's a worthwhile investment"

- Michael Boldea


Grandson of a Bible smuggler

"For someone who is trying to get into the habit of praying, it is an excellent app to keep you on task."

- Aunt Jo-Jo

And we know Aunt Jo-Jo is right about a lot!

Get it Now

Available for iOS (iPhone/iPad) for $4.99.

If you can't afford this app, please email me directly: jakinsman at gmail and I will give you a free voucher (Apple limits to 100 promo codes). I want you to devote yourself to Christ in prayer!

Sorry, Android/Google Play support is not yet available, Enter email below to get an email when it is ready!

I am a solo-developer trying to make a living by making apps for Christians. If you like this idea or want me to keep making cool Christ-honoring apps, please like, share, follow or join the mailing list below. It could really help!
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About Jim

My parents divorced when I was a baby and I grew up with my dad who was an airline pilot. He hired different nannies but one was vocal about Jesus Christ. Time passed and I continued a habit of stealing. I entered college living a lifestyle that was not good. A lady walked up to me while I was studying Calculus and said "Do you want to study the Bible?" I said "Sure..." She got her husband and after several months of Bible studies, I came to the point where I felt I had to choose between the Bible studies or my lifestyle. After failing over and over I went back to my dorm room and said "Sorry God, "sorry, God" the next morning I was so sad. I randomly opened my Bible, and it landed on 1 Thessalonians 4, I read it and felt like God knew me and my struggles and knew that my lifestyle was wrong, and he had better -- It is God's will that you would avoid immorality and learn to control your body in a way that is holy and honorable. At that moment I fell on my knees and asked for forgiveness. I rose up and knew that I was forgiven of all my sins and was so happy. The next week, we read John 1 and I read "Behold, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" talking about Jesus Christ and I knew Jesus was the one who took away my sins. I returned back much of what was stolen. Have you turned away from wickedness? Have you trusted Christ? Are you going to make it past the judgment? How do you know? God became a man, Jesus Christ, he lived a perfect life. He cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" and bore the punishment for the sin of all believers of all times and experienced the wrath of God. On the third day, He rose from the dead. Jesus will return and all those who repent and believe will go to Heaven forever. If you reject the gospel message, you have no Savior and will pay for your own sins in hell forever. Repent and believe the gospel before it is too late! needGod.com Find a good local church, read the Bible daily.